按流行標籤瀏覽免費 紋理背景 庫存照片和圖像
photoAC 上流行的紋理和背景照片和圖像是什麼?
< p>photoAC 上最流行的紋理照片和圖像是包含各種物理成分的物質(織物、絲綢、紙、磚、金屬、石頭等),具有不同的感覺(smo或粗、軟或硬、粗或細、無光或有光澤等),分為實際、模擬、抽象和虛構四種質地。您可以在 photoAC 上輕鬆找到最流行的背景,包括不同風格的風景和風景(幾何、復古、單色、素色、熱帶、3D 風格等)。紋理和背景 photoAC 上的照片和圖像主要用於廣告以及博客和社交媒體上的帖子。如何在 photoAC 上找到更好的紋理和背景照片和圖像效果?
您可以在 photoAC 的紋理/背景類別部分找到紋理和背景照片和圖像。此外,對於特定搜索,讓我們從搜索欄開始,輸入相關關鍵字,然後使用過濾器功能細化搜索結果。您可以通過選擇圖像類型(JPEG、PNG 或 PSD)、尺寸(垂直或水平)、有無人物以及照片中的顏色來優化紋理和背景照片和圖像的搜索結果。您還可以包含或排除其他關鍵字、類別和創作者姓名。
使用從 photoAC 下載的紋理和背景照片和圖像是否安全?
所有紋理和背景photoAC 上的背景照片和圖像可以免費下載,可用於個人和商業項目。只需註冊一個免費帳戶並立即開始下載。 photoAC 上的免費用戶每天的下載時間有一些限制。如果您想無限制地下載紋理和背景照片和圖像,您可以訂閱我們每月和每年的兩個計劃之一。為確保您正確使用我們的紋理和背景照片和圖像,請仔細檢查我們的 條款和條件.
photoAC 上的所有照片和圖像都可以用於個人項目。如果您想將它們用於商業目的,請查看我們的使用指南 以確保您正確使用從 photoAC 下載的照片。
您可能想購買 額外許可用於特定商業用途。請注意,額外許可僅適用於來自名為 acworks 的創作者的材料。要查找 acworks 的照片,請在搜索時使用作者姓名過濾器。
The Importance of Textures and Backgrounds in Design
Graphic design is now an essential tool that is widely used in different parts of the world today, and it continues to excel in many ways. Designers across the world are constantly working on creating new tools that can enhance the easy creation of a seamless and smooth experience for customers. Today, new elements continuously enter the design industry and continue to change the dynamics of things compared to the earlier days of paper and pencils. People now rely heavily on the use of technology to ensure that they stay relevant. There are currently so many design elements that people use, and among these elements include textures and backgrounds, which designers use mostly to make designs more appealing.
There are so many things that are involved in graphic design, and among these things include colours, shapes, patterns, textures and more. These components, when put together, can amplify each other and also make a design look great. On the other hand, poorly using these components will only lead to a poor and less appealing design. Before now, striking a balance between these components was a rather difficult task, but technological advancements have made it a lot easier for designers to achieve this by deploying different tools when designing. Designing methods has rapidly changed from the conventional use of pen and paper, and it has grown to the use of software and computers. Today, there are so much software that people use when designing, and an example is Adobe Illustrator and IllustAC.
Textures are mostly associated with a feel that easily attracts the mental and physical attention of different people to the graphics presented in the design. Therefore, adding textures and background to graphic design will significantly help to relay your message, as well as emotionally inspire your potential clients. Textures are used in many ways today, and the most common is that designers now use them to create varying contrasting features on different designs. It also serves as a way for designers to easily other intriguing features to design, making it appear more realistic. The importance of textures cannot be overemphasized, especially when it’s used in highlighting other relevant design features.
Today, we have actual texture and visual textures when viewing design. We mostly experience texture by feeling or touching a design to check whether it’s smooth or rough. Designers can either decide to choose between a visual texture or an actual texture. It’s important to note that both types of textures are different from each other. The main difference between the two is that you can feel real textures with your hands, and visual texture, as the name suggests, can only be seen. However, designers use visual texture in creating designs that appear with rich and layered graphics.
It is worth mentioning that background and textures are both utilized as finishing tools in digital designs. We have said a lot about textures, but it’s also important that you know what background is as well. Background is the main image on which the primary image is placed upon, and the aim is to add more interest and make the primary image compositionally complete. Both background and texture are used by designers to create beautiful and visually appealing designs today.
Here’s an overview to further help you understand visual and actual texture:
Visual textures
With visual textures, you can easily add all the effects that you want on your graphics, and this won’t take much effort from you. The only thing you’ll need to do is to create a balance between the background you use, as well as the texture. You need to ensure a balance either as an overlay or on the background that you use. With visual textures, you can easily include the exact feel that you want on your design. Also, one thing you should note is that higher textured pieces are generally more expensive than the lower ones.
Actual textures
As mentioned earlier, this is the texture that is felt on items like product labels, flyers and business cards. The quality of a design is generally influenced by the weight of the paper, type of paper, material uses, as well as the feel it delivers. With that in mind, you’ll normally expect an embossed card to be of a higher quality than that which is made from paper.
What are Virtual Backgrounds and Textures
Have you ever been in a zoom meeting and noticed that everyone else has a really stunning background except you? You might want to believe that these people live in a really beautiful environment, but that’s not always the case. They are mostly using virtual backgrounds and textures to make their zoom calls more visually appealing to other participants of the meeting.
The amazing thing about virtual backgrounds is that you can use them for different purposes. For example, if you are meant to be in a particular location for a video call or an interview, but for one reason or the other, you are unable to make it to the destination, you can resort to utilizing a virtual background which will make it seem as though you were in the right location. However, when selecting a virtual background, you’ll need to ensure that it is more realistic and has a neat design.
Are you wondering how you can choose the best virtual background and texture? Continue reading.
Pay Attention to the Contrast
When using the best virtual background and texture, the first thing you’ll need to pay attention to is contrast, and this includes the surrounding colours around you, like your skin and hair colour, as well as the colour behind you. You need to pay attention to these colours with respect to their contrast. Basically, the most important thing is for the subject to stand out and be easily distinguishable from the background.
Visual Noise
Every detail matters a lot when it comes to virtual backgrounds and textures, and one of the things you’ll need to pay attention to is the visual noise in your background. In general, if your background tends to be busy a lot, it won’t be easy for people to watch you and listen to what you’re saying. Another thing you’ll need to know is how to set the right tone.