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免費 建築物 庫存照片和圖片

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建築物和建築照片和圖像是包含各種視覺組件和概念的照片,觀看者會立即將它們與建築物和建築聯繫起來。建築。這些視覺組件可能包括各種建築物的內部和外部結構,以及城市景觀、橋樑和其他結構。建​​築物和建築照片從不同的角度、不同的時間線和不同的天氣。要拍出令人驚嘆的建築照片,建議尋找獨特的角度,優先考慮良好的照明,不要害怕包括人,盡可能多地探索建築物或建築的細節。我們可以找到幾乎隨處可見的自然和風景照片,報紙、雜誌、電視廣告、您的設備屏幕上,o n 數百萬個帖子,並在社交媒體上、通過廣告和許多其他日常生活活動中分享。

photoAC 上有哪些受歡迎的建築和建築照片和圖像?

最您可以在 photoAC 上輕鬆找到流行的建築和建築照片,包括辦公樓、學校和班級內部、工作場所、生活空間、空中街景等。 photoAC 上的建築和建築照片和圖像在風格和位置上各不相同。您可以看到日本房屋、台灣街道、西方城市景觀和許多其他地標。除了照片,您還可以找到許多由計算機生成的購物中心、住宅區、辦公空間等的 3D 照片。photoAC 上的建築和建築照片和圖像主要用於廣告以及博客和社交媒體上的帖子。

如何在 photoAC 上找到更好的建築物和建築照片和圖像的結果?

您可以在 photoAC 的“建築/建築類別”部分中找到建築和建築照片和圖像。此外,對於特定搜索,讓我們從搜索欄開始,輸入相關關鍵字,例如“校舍”、“辦公樓”、“醫院建築”、“3D 建築”。 、“建築背景”等,然後使用過濾器功能細化搜索結果。您可以通過選擇圖像類型(JPEG、PNG 或 PSD)、尺寸(垂直或水平)、是否包含人物以及照片中的顏色來優化建築和建築照片和圖像的搜索結果。您還可以包括或排除其他關鍵字、類別和創作者姓名。

使用從 photoAC 下載的建築物和建築照片和圖像是否安全?

所有建築物和photoAC 上的建築照片和圖像可以免費下載,可用於個人和商業項目。只需註冊一個免費帳戶並立即開始下載。 photoAC 上的免費用戶每天的下載時間有一些限制。如果您想無限制地下載建築和建築照片和圖像,您可以訂閱我們每月和每年的兩個計劃之一。為確保您正確使用我們的建築和建築照片和圖像,請徹底檢查我們的條款和條件.

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Introduction to building and architecture images

Since time immemorial, shelter has always been a core need of man. Building structures shield us from the harsh elements of nature, such as rain and the heat of the sun. Apart from this core need, however, buildings have come to serve many more purposes for humanity. They serve as schools for our children, meeting places for various political, religious, and social activities, hospitals for the wounded and infirm, etc. Buildings are, no doubt, an integral part of human civilization.

Moreso, buildings are important cultural symbols. Building and architectural styles differ across cultures and are usually indicative of the unique cultures of each locality. For example, while most Western urban areas feature a large number of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers designed to accommodate several units of nuclear families, the architectural landscapes of most rural areas of Africa contain a preponderance of compounds featuring bungalows, huts, and mud houses built to house extended families.

Also, photographs of the interiors of buildings make viewers appreciate the unique beauty of artistic decor from various cultures. For example, it might depict beautiful murals in a Greek Orthodox Church or the richly decorated interior of Buckingham Palace.

The history of building images can be traced back to ancient times. During the renaissance period, painters such as Crivelli and Duccio produced great artworks featuring buildings. With the advent of modern photography, building images retained their popularity. Camera-produced architectural images began to appear in the 1820s with Nicephore Niepce's photograph known as the "View from the Window at Le Gras." Today, building images and architecture images are taken and used for a wide range of reasons ranging from academic research to brand marketing and leisure. Building and architecture images fill us with admiration and wonder at man's creative genius.

Importantly, as the Coronavirus pandemic has forced movement and travel restrictions in many countries, people can travel to their favourite buildings and landmarks all over the world from their couches just by looking at building images and architecture images. This has further boosted the genre's popularity.


Architecture means the art and skills involved in designing buildings and other structures such as bridges. Buildings are designed to meet the practical purpose for which they were built, as well as make artistic statements and aesthetic impressions upon observers. The terms "building images" and "architecture images" are often used interchangeably. They refer to images that depict all types of man-made building structures ranging from huts, halls, and bridges to walls, landmarks, towers, and skyscrapers. No props or models are required for creating building images or architecture images though humans can be incorporated to show scale and add individual uniqueness to the picture.

Building images can be classified into several categories, including

Exterior building images

These are architectural images taken from outside the structure, which the photographer uses as the object of his shoot. Natural lighting, either from the sun or moon and stars, depending on the time of the day chosen for the shoot, provides the lighting. Other sources of lighting, however, such as streetlights, may also contribute to the lighting. Aerial photography using drones and aircraft can also be employed in this mode to get a birds-eye-view perspective. The photographer aims at capturing the appearance of the outer parts of his subject in an aesthetically pleasing manner. This mode is ideal for photographing landmarks or iconic structures which are more easily recognizable from the exterior. These may include the Taj Mahal, the White House, or Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City.

Exterior building images may be taken at all times of the day and in all weather conditions. It is recommended, however, to shoot either in the early hours of the day to capture the effect of the rising sun's golden rays upon the structure or at sunset.

Interior architectural images

These are building images taken from inside the structures being photographed. This can be used to show the beauty of buildings' internal architecture or decor. As natural lighting may not be sufficient inside buildings, artificial lighting may be employed to supplement natural light. Such artificial lighting may be provided by LED bulbs.

Different themes: Industrial, Infrastructure, Architecture, Towers/Skyscrapers/ Landmarks Industrial images

These are images that show a company's products, staff, as well as production techniques and processes, and equipment used in the production of the organization's products. Industrial images are aimed at capturing and showcasing the hard work and technicality that goes into the manufacturing process.

This type of building images are used by companies that specialize in the manufacturing of goods, extraction of natural resources, and power. Industrial images may feature factories, oil rigs, production lines, dams, etc.

Categories of industrial images include

Product images

This involves taking snapshots of the company's products at various stages of their manufacturing.

Staff images